Benefits of Exercise

We should all be well aware of the benefits of exercise. For those of us that prefer not to exercise because it simply doesn't fit in with our lifestyles, we should at least know what it is that we're not benefiting from. Don't you agree? Take a minute and learn about the difference a little exercise can actual make.
I'm sure we can all benefit from at least one of these:
  1. Energy Boost - Are you winded by performing simple every day tasks? Exercise boosts your energy by delivering oxygen and nutrients to the muscle tissues. It helps your cardiovascular system. It  makes your heart and lungs work much more efficiently. With regular exercise you'll notice a huge boost in energy.
  2. Weight Control - Exercising helps you shed the pounds and maintain your ideal weight. When you exercise, you burn calories. The more you push yourself, the more calories you burn. It speeds up your metabolism and gets rid of the excess weight. With a proper diet you can maintain your ideal weight with just a few minutes of exercise a day.
  3. Self Confidence - Exercising stimulates many brain chemicals that can help you feel happier and more relaxed. You'll also feel a lot better about your physical appearance and will exude confidence. People who exercise regularly often have more self-esteem than those who do not. Hit the gym and watch yourself transform into a cool and confident individual. 
  4. Avoid Health Problems - Here's a short list of health conditions that can be avoided by regular exercise: Heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes, diabetes, arthritis, depression, anxiety and even some types of cancer can be avoided with regular exercise. How? By boosting your HDL and decreasing unhealthy triglycerides. So instead of driving everywhere you go, try taking a nice walk. Your body will thank you
  5. Improve Your Sex Life - If you find yourself feeling too tired or out of shape to even enjoy sexual activities then you can definitely benefit from a nice work-out. Men and women who exercise regularly enjoy much more healthy sex lives than those who do not. Men who exercise are a lot less likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction than those who don't exercise. For women, exercising leads to enhanced arousal. It also helps us look better and feel better which in turn puts the spark back in our sex life.
  6. A Better Night's Sleep - Having a hard time falling asleep? Do you wake up in the middle of the night? Exercising helps the body relax at night and deepens our sleep. Enjoy a good night's sleep by exercising regularly. 
  7. Exercising is Fun - It doesn't have to be boring. You don't have to spend hours at the gym performing the same activities every day. Some examples of having fun while you exercise are playing sports, going for a hike, going to the beach for a swim, taking a dance class, and just getting on your bike and exploring is enough exercise to keep you healthy. These are just a few fun activities you can try. Think of something that you consider fun and just do it. Get the exercise your body needs.
  8. Reduce Back Pain - If you suffer from back pain like millions of others, exercise is your best friend. Build your back muscles and improve your posture. Back pain will be a thing of the past.
  9. Keep your Brain Fit - Exercise will help keep your brain active and fit. It fends off memory loss and keeps skills like vocabulary retrieval strong. There is surely a direct connection between mind and body. 
  10. Live Long and Prosper - It's no secret that exercising prolongs our life span and decreases premature death.  It shouldn't be something you dread. Make it something you look forward to doing every day. Get Active! Start living healthier and happier lives.

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