Benefits of Running

benefits of running 01The benefits of running are many. Below are the seven most important benefits of running.

1. The first and most important benefit of running is having a healthy heart. Running on a regular basis improves blood circulation and prevents heart attacks, high blood pressure and strokes.

2. Losing and maintaining weight. Running burns approximately a thousand calories and hour. Start running and watch those pounds disappear.

3. Stress relief is another benefit of running. Running helps reduce stress and prevents anxiety attacks.

4. Stronger immune system. Runners suffer less from colds, allergies, fatigue, back ache, menstrual cramps and digestive disorders.

5. Sleeping sound. If you start running you'll notice that you sleep a lot better. You'll enjoy a deeper sleep and won't wake up in the middle of the night.

6. Stronger Bones. Running keeps your bones strong and healthy for years to come. Osteoporosis can be avoided with a strong running routine.

7. Happiness. Running plays a huge role in our mental state. It's been proven that exercising produces endorphins and helps improve ambition, patience and overall mental state.

benefits of running 02Get yourself a good pair of running shoes. It is very important that the shoes you wear help reduce the impact on your knees. Running without the proper shoes can produce negative results on your knees and ankles.

Many people choose to use a treadmill but I personally prefer running outdoors. It's a lot more fun and motivating.

Another fun way to run is forming a team. Find a few people that are interested in getting in shape and run with them. You can all help each other stay motivated. Running with others can also be competitive which will push you to do your best.

Try not to run before bedtime. Unfortunately, you'll find it hard to sleep after a good workout. Give your body a few hours to relax after exercising before hitting the sack.